Pool Fence Installation

A professional installation through Life Saver means a professional installation from start to finish. All our installers are factory trained. Every year they are required to take safety seminars offered through Life Saver in order to improve their installation techniques, be familiar with any new product upgrades, made aware of new installation tools that will provide our customers with a better installation.

Though our original techniques and know-how have been proven to provide perfect installation we are always striving to do better for our customer and job satisfaction.
Tools and Their Importance

All Life Saver Distributors are under strict scrutiny from corporate. It is absolutely required under contract that a Life Saver Pool Fence must be installed according to guidelines. The most important tool used in our installations is the wet diamond core drill machine.

The core drill machine is meant for drilling into all types of stone and can be retrofitted for wood drilling as well. The core drill uses a water lubricated diamond tip bit. This ensures that we will drill a perfect 1 1/8" hole into your blue stone, pavers, concrete deck, etc. without the threat of chipping, scratching, or breaking of the surface.

Also our fence is based on a system known as bilateral tension. This means there is a constant force being exerted on the fence left to right. This force is important to keep the fence firmly in the ground and the Safety Snap Latches in between sections securely locked. However this cannot be achieved properly without the use of the core drill. The core drill machine is also free standing and has level adjustment rods that allow our installers to properly drill each hole on its appropriate angle. The average fence is 100' around a pool with holes that need to be drilled every 3 feet. Can you imagine if an installer used a hand held machine to drill into your deck. You would end up with a fence that is not only crooked but would not function properly and would be a waste of time and money. Beware of safety fence installers who use a hand held drill. Most of these hand held drills are what we, in the industry, refer to as hammer drills. These drills do exactly what they are called they hammer and they drill without the use of a water cooled diamond tip. This process can - and in most case do - result in surface chipping and breakage.
Estimating, Booking, and Installing

First we will come out and measure your pool and figure the proper way (keeping your concerns and considerations in mind) the fence should run in order to deny access to the water. We have numerous styles of fence that can be installed in a variety of considerations to match tastes, convenience, and budget. All our styles are equally as safe. We only sell one grade of fence and that is the best. When it comes to budget, you will never have to compromise safety, only aesthetics.

Once we have provided you with a job proposal and you are ready to book an installation appointment, our typical time frame, even in the busy season, is anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks. We understand your importance for a safety barrier "yesterday" and this is why we do everything possible to furnish you with a Life Saver System in a timely fashion.

Installation - 98% of the time - is a one day job, usually only taking a few hours. First we unload all tools and material for the job into the backyard. Next we will go over the layout with you to make sure nothing has changed from the estimate. Once you have provided our installer with direction and distance of the fence he will visibly mark it on you deck surface and show you once more to make sure that this is exactly how you would want the Life Saver System to run. All you have to do is O.K. the final layout and within a few hours you will be another happy parent with peace of mind.
All our installers use a water lubricated diamond core drilling machine. This is the ideal tool for drilling into any deck surface including:
  • brick
  • concrete
  • blue stone
  • tile
  • and much more

We even adapt our core drill for use in wood decks to ensure a perfect installation.
Wood or Composite Decks
Cool Decks
Even in Dirt, Grass, or Mulch
Unprofessional installations are very common when installers are not
factory trained and certified.
Deal with a reputable company!
Safety Pool Fence       Safety Pool Covers       Inflatable Domes  
Retractable Pool Enclosures       and other swimming pool safety devices
Safety Pool Fence       Safety Pool Covers       Inflatable Domes  
Retractable Pool Enclosures       and other swimming pool safety devices
Toll Free  877-355-7665        Local  215-214-2199        Fax  215-745-6163
Toll Free  877-355-7665        Local  215-214-2199        Fax  215-745-6163